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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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MarcEisenmann - 12:36, Thursday 19 January 2023 (3151)Get code to link to this report
tuning of SHG

[Marc, Michael, Shalika, Yuhang]

First we changed the DDS1 DAC0 and 1 frequency from 88 to 88.3 MHz (resonant freq of the EOM).

Then, we installed a powermeter in transmission of the SHG (as in elog 3091).

We scanned the SHG and tuned its alignment. In the end, we achieved about 91% mode-matching.

Then, we locked the SHG on TEM00 and monitored the reflected green power after the FI as a function of SHG temperature (see fig2).

The optimal temperature is now 3.16 kOhm which gives us about 280mW of green power.

We did same power budget as in elog 3091 :

Incident IR (measured before dichroic): 685 mW
Reflected green (measured before FI): 288 mW
Reflected IR (measured before ND2 on photodetector): 144 mW.

This gives us a slightly better SHG efficiency at around 40.2%.

It seems that we recovered the usual situation.

Last step for SHG is to install a PD in transmission to have the automatic lock of the servo working.

Images attached to this report
3151_20230119043343_scan.jpeg 3151_20230119043739_pvst.png