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MarcEisenmann - 18:47, Monday 22 July 2024 (3659)Get code to link to this report
recovery after electrical shutdown

[Marc, Shalika]

There was an electrical shutdown in Mitaka campus on Saturday due to the heavy storm.

We recovered the following :

LC table : pc, laser and electronics

PCI table : pc, laser and translation stage and electronics

However, I misoperate the translation stage that hit the polarizer mount installed for birefringence measurement.

The good recovery procedure is the following:

- remove all components on the translation stage

- using the manual controller on the side of the imaging unit box, moved the translation stage in X to be above any components in the injection bench.

- using zaber, home all motors

- use manual controller to move in reasonable Z before moving in a reasonable X. here reasonable meaning far enough from both injection and readout benches.

- close zaber and restart LabView

- FDS : recovered the reference 'gps' signal, recovered the temperature controls and all pcs. Because of fire safety inspection, we did not check fds laser and we also need to recover the homodyne power supply, AOM controller and restart vacuum pumps

- ATC cleanroom : restarted the fans

- cryogenic cavity : pumps seems stopped but it seems somebody else will check


Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 14:56, Tuesday 23 July 2024 (3664)

[Hugo, Marc]

Today we wanted to restart birefringence measurement with PCI and longer average.

We found out that the motorized rotator is broken (sounds but no motion).

We ordered 2 new ones.