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ShalikaSingh - 17:58, Friday 14 February 2025 (3915)Get code to link to this report
Labview modifications for birefringence measurement

The labvew to take averaging and median was simplfied by directly using premade labview VIs for averaging, median, and errors. 

The speed of reading data from polcam is 20ms. This is becasue the speed of polcam is 60fps. This brings us to 1/60 s= 20 ms. The labview can't read faster than this. 

The saving of S1, S2, S3 from polcam, which were the stokes parameters, were removed.

The file will now save in the format:

scan , shift,  azi, std azi, ell, std ell, polcam power, std polcam power, pm power, std pm power. 

A new VI was made which is "Birefringence Map with camera_v2.vi".

Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 11:21, Wednesday 05 March 2025 (3932)

[Marc, Michael M., Shalika]

The initial implementation of this feature was made by removing the waiting time of the vi.

It led to visible artifact during the motion of the sample.

It was restored to the usual 500ms and resolved the issue.

Somehow, the VI is now faster than before to acquire each point.