KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 22:01, Wednesday 10 October 2018 (1007)
Setup parameters
checked the parameters. and compared with the SPTS values
Until now, I made a mistake on how to calculate the bulk calibration factor. The power in the formula for R should be the power of pump at the point where the signal is generated, which is the power inside the sample. Considering the Fresnel  transmission and the depletion due to high absorption, the power at the middle point of the sample thickness is the incident power times the root squared of the transmission.

- changing the reference absorption value from 116%/cm to 105%/cm reduced the absorption value by 10%
- correcting the power with the transmission coefficient reduced the absorption value of 20% because sqrt(T_bulk/T_sapp)=0.8

So the ratio between my measurement and LMA measurement on the Tama-size sample2 (comparison in entry 984) passed from a factor of about 2 to a factor of about 1.5-1.7

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