KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 19:11, Wednesday 07 November 2018 (1074)
1310nm new laser noise

The laser demo was delivered yesterday.

I replaced the fiber without moving the collimator.

I realigned the beam moving the last lens before the sample, and I maximized the signal on the surface reference.

In order to have a DC of 2V on the imaging unit PD, I set the laser power to 428uW (the laser display shows 0.7mW).

Then I noticed that I had a better signal moving the PD further on the IU, and the DC dropped to 1.3V.

Then I increased the power to 980uW (the laser display shows 1.55mW) to have 3V of DC on the PD.

I attach the last calibration scan.

The pump power without the sample measured with the new power meter is 33mW 

I measured the noise on the reference sample with and without chopper and pump

  chopper OFF chopper ON
pump OFF 2.77 ppm*W 3.13 ppm*W
pump ON / 28ppm*W

When everything is off, the noise is 2uV (0.14ppm*W), which is the dark noise of the PD plus the environmental light.

The noise of the new laser is 3ppm*W, without any filter, nor control loop. Much better that the previous laser, but still above the expected signal level.
It could be worth to try a control loop and see if the noise reduces more.

Images attached to this report
1074_20181107091335_57.png 1074_20181107104827_20181107noise.png 1074_20181107111033_52.jpg 1074_20181107111042_521.jpg