[Aritomi, Eleonora]
Today we tested the possibility to operate the local controls of the end mirror, by shipping the error and the correction signals with the optical fibers system in place in TAMA.
Details of the optical fiber system are reported in entry #1068. We used the boards "A" (4 input and 4 output channel). See pic 1. We sent two error signals (pitch and yaw) toward the central building and we recived four signals (corresponding to the 4 coils).
In order to perform the test, the signals have been connected to the ADC and DAC of the input mirror. We also used the input mirror CPU and labview VI to test the control. (We temporarily copied the filter and the driving matrix values used for the end mirror)
Conclusion: we could succesfully close the local control loops in this configuration which means that we can go for a stand-alone control system (with all the DAC and ADC in the central area), as planned.