R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 22:35, Friday 12 April 2019 (1297)
DGS: Filter loading issue fixed going back to old version

[T.Yamamoto, Y.Fujii, Eleonora]

Here the report from Yamamoto-san about today's work:

- Real-time models was not able to read filter files.
Models detected the modification of filter files.
But “COEFF LOAD” button did not work well.

- We unified the RCG version as v3.1.1.
At first master and slave model run as v2.8.8 and v3.1.1, respectively.
But the problem was not solved by unifying the version.

- System clock of STDA on BIOS was fixed.
System clock should be set as UTC. But it was set as JST.
So system time showed 9 hours future and date of file modification was wrong.
We fixed the time-stamp of filter file, but problem was not solved.

- Filter files re-generated after fixing system clock.
We moved filter files and re-generated them by rebuilding models.
But the problem was not solved.

- The version of real-time system returned back form v3.1.1 to v2.8.8.
The problem was solved by using v2.8.8.


Thanks a lot to Yamanoto-san and Fujii-san for the precious help and for all the time spent!