Matteo, Takahashi, and Yuhang
We connected the translucent tubing to each leveling valves. We also connected each valve to each isolator through the grey tube(One of them is from the valve to the 'Tee' and use translucent tubing between the 'Tee' and either isolator). We also found an isolated air compressor which can continuously provide air. Although the compressor is quite noisy, we could put it far away in the future.
However, before going on, we have a to-do list:
1. To buy an air regulator filter(ARF)
2. To evaluate the required pressure. To evaluate this value, we need to know the weight of the part above isolators including breadboard, all the optical components, and the shield box. Up to now, I don't know how to evaluate it. The formula is ((weight(in pounds)/103.6)+10) psig.
3. To check if the center of gravity of the part above isolators is higher than B/2 or 3B/4. B is the distance between the longer leg distance.
4. To consider how to deal with the exhaust air from valves. Now all of them are closed. Since our bench is inside the clean room, we should find a way to evacuate it.