On 27/06 Miyakawa-san came to Mitaka to try to fix the keyboard problem with the new DGS computer. (Since the gentoo linux cannot reconize the USB driver the keybord doesn't work). He tried to access the PC through the network but network port, but the kernel was too old to recognize it. It is not easy to update kernel because the kernel was patched to be a real time operation system. We also tried several USB PCIexpress board whitout success.
Anyway the actual standalone PC can host 4 ADC/DAC cards. Only two of them are currently used. We tested one of the new PCIexpress ADC board on the current stendalon PC and it seems to work fine. We decided to leave it installed.
The old ADC card is currently stored on the shelf close to the DGS rack.
In the near future we might need to install it too to increase the number of ADC channels. We agreed with Miyakawa-san and Akutsu-san that in this case we can use some of the hardwere from the ATC DGS which is currently unused.
In particular, in order to be able to use a second ADC we need 1 timiing adaptor, 1 AA module, 2 BNC-> Dsub coverter, cables. This will allow us to have 64 input channel.
Miyakawa-san showed me how to include additional ADC block in the simuling Real time model (NB: remember to copy the ADC block from library and not from those already in the model.)
He also helped to fix some minor issues:
1) remote connection to the DGS (Finaly we can access the system from the office and even from home!)
2) take/restore snapshot button on MEDM
3) rotation angle block