KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
SimonZeidler - 15:25, Sunday 14 July 2019 (1473)
XY Surface Absorption Maps and some statistics of GT ETMX


Please find attached the absorption maps of GT's ETMX mirror substrate that is currently being analyzed in the absorption bench.
For now, we have three XY maps taken at different positions along the c-axis (Z = 46, 79, 112, where "79" marks the center of the mirror related to the bench-alignment; given in [mm]).

I also calculated some histograms which give statistics on the distribution of the absorption-values.

Images attached to this report
1473_20190714082430_mapxyz46.png 1473_20190714082451_mapxyz79.png 1473_20190714082459_mapxyz112.png 1473_20190714082507_absdistxyz46.png 1473_20190714082514_absdistxyz79.png 1473_20190714082521_absdistxyz112.png 1473_20190714082527_meanabssurfxyz46.png 1473_20190714082532_meanabssurfxyz79.png 1473_20190714082537_meanabssurfxyz112.png