[Yuhang, Matteo, Eleonora, Miyakawa (remotely)]
Last Friday, just before going home, we noticed that the DGS system was not working anymore and no signal can be read from ADC.
This happend suddenly since we used it up to one hour before and it was perfectly working.
Since me and Matteo were doing some cabling around the rack at that moment, we suspected we had accidentaly disconnected some cable but after a carefull checking it seemed that everything was fine.
On Saturday I contacted Miyakawa-san which accessed remotely the PC and told me it seemed a timing problem. On Saturday afternoon and also this morning we have carefully checked the timing signal.
Following the advice of Miyakawa-san, we change it from square wave of +/-5 V to 0-5V. It didn't solve the problem.
We tried to restart the models and reboot the PC countless times.
I tried to use only one time adapter (and switch it from one to the other) to check if one of the two was broken, but it didn't solve the problem
I tried to double the amplitude of the timing signal, to disconnect and reconnect the cables between AA, time adapter and I/O chassis. It didn't change the situation.
Pic.1 and 2 show the errors that appear in the DGS_TP screen for K1x01 (master model) and K1FDS (slave model), respectively.
We really need the help of an expert.
On top of that it seems the screen connected to the standalone doesn't work properly. Sometimes it gets black and we need to switch it on and off to recover it (but it usually last few seconds and then gets black again!)