To see the contribution of noise at different frequencies, I performed the coherence measurement between squeezing and GRMC locking loop error signal/IRMC locking loop error signal/GRMC transmission signal/Green phase-locking error signal/IR phase-locking error signal.
The result is attached. From these results, we could have the following deduction:
GRMC locking loop is contributing the noise at 9.5kHz and 6.9kHz
The coherence between 3.7kHz and 6.9kHz shows up mainly in IR phase and IRMC locking.
It seems IR phase noise and IRMC locking loop has strong coherence. So I think we can improve IR phase behavior by improving IRMC locking.
600Hz noise doesn't show up in the IRMC and GRMC locking loop.
Sometimes, the squeezing measurement is very good. For example, the one together with GRMC loop error signal. I attach the squeezing level at that time.
All the measurement is using averaging of the meachine of 200, I think we should use more average in the future.