For some reasons (probably Windows related), the absorption-bench PC had a reboot Yesterday evening (around 19:08). Therefore, the running measurement of ETMY abs. map was interrupted. Fortunately, nothing bad happened to the system itself and I could easily recover the setup and start another measurement today.
Fingers crossed...
Meanwhile, I have started to take spectra of the Sapphire samples that we will use as new calibration samples to have a measurement on their absorption index. Actually, I did such a measurement already on Tuesday and wanted to finish it today with the other samples but for some reason, the settings in the spectrometer were totally different from Tuesday and I couldn't get any stable signal from the spectrometer. I asked Mitsui-san from ATC for help but he is now in vacation...
Anyway, attached to this report is the preliminary result of Blue-Sapphire No1.
According to the measurement, we can expect an absorbance of 0.106 at 1064nm.