Here I put the position of lenses on bench for SQZ telescope. (comment to entry 1546)
For injection telescope, since we have no space to move now. So the solution is to buy RC4 from thorlabs. This new dovetail rail carrier will allow a movement of up to 3mm for 333lens and 10mm for -1100lens. And from the simulation, this is already enough range to improve mode matching. (this telescope is shown in black color in the attached figure 1)
Note: it seems lens333 is touching mirror, but it is not due to the small mirror mount we are using.
For reflection telescope, since we have only one superpolished lens. If we want to go on soon. We can temporily use KPX109 instead of CVI lens. From the simulation, these two telescope will be almost the same and PLCC51.5 will be at the same position. So it will also be easy to replace with superpolished lens in the future. (the red color lens is for the current implementation, lens in green color is the superpolished and will be implemented in the future)
The simulation of reflection telescope with newport lens is also attached as figure 2.