Today I worked on the alignment for AOM.
The following is the procedure what I did.
Double-passed beam has the same beam path as input beam.
I think this may be reasonable for double-pass AOM configuration.
I think the next step is to optimize the alignment to maximize double-passed beam and minimize the beam jitter.
Also I should check the spec sheet to confirm the diffraction efficiency and estimate the requirement for beam jitter.
In addition, I connected the tube between scroll vacuum pump and cryostat chamber (attached).
According to the spec sheet, the diffraction efficiency of AOM is 87.7% at 1060nm and 500um beam diameter with 1.50W RF power.
This morning, I tweaked the STMs to increase the diffracted beam power.
However the diffraction efficiency was about 50%.
I'm suspecting the beam diameter is so small that the efficiency is low.
Since I have another double-pass AOM, I will input larger diameter beam to another AOM and see the effect of beam diameter on efficiency.
Also I will check the RF power.