Today Miyakawa-san managed to solve the long-lasting problem we had to run python script called by medm button (see entry #1656).
He modified the command used by the medm desktop icon to call medm to: bash -c 'source /kagra/apps/etc/ && cd /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/medm && /opt/rtapps/epics/extensions/bin/linux-x86_64/medm -x sitemap.adl'
Now the command is also calling a script he made (/kagra/apps/etc/ to include all the needed evironmental variables.
Somehow when opening MEDM with this command the PV info on the channel cannot be seen anymore. The icon MEDM (edit) was not changed so, by using that one, we can still read PV info ( but not run python scripts)
Conlusion: we can now run python screep from MEDM screen open by desktop icon, and this should help to better manage control loops, while we wait for guardians.