KAGRA MIR (General)
PengboLi - 21:31, Monday 20 January 2020 (1978)
Result of the beam profile measurement

Simon, Pengbo

Last friday and today, we measured the beam profile after install the FI.

First time we didn't change the distance between the telosocpe, the result is: w = 0.0582+/- 0.0009mm, z_position = 56.54+/- 0.34 mm. ( Figure 1.)


Then we adjust the teloscope distance from 22cm to 23 cm by moving the first lens, the result is : 0.0512 +/-0.0012 mm, z_position = 30.45 +/- 0.34 mm.

the waist position is closer to the optical bench than before but the waist radius is just a little bit smaller than before.(Figure 2)

Images attached to this report
1978_20200120132825_figure11.png 1978_20200120132835_0120.png