Aritomi and Yuhang
We set up three temperature monitors and one humidity monitor around our bench. The position for the moment is shown in the attached first three pictures.(One is localted on the wall of cover and is beisde AMC, another is under the step and on the ground inside clean room, the last one is just beside PR chamber)
We have monitored these parameter for two days already. The conclusion is
Temeprature inside the bench cover is changing between 25deg to 26deg. Temperature on the ground(inside clean room) is changing between 24.3deg to 25.3 deg. Temperature beside PR vacuum chamber is changing between 23.3deg to 24.3deg. All of these temperature measurement go up and down with daytime and nighttime. The minimum of temperature is around 8am and the maximum is around 6 or 9pm. The difference of maximum inside and outside the cleanroom maybe related to manual work.
The humidity changes as well but it doesn't follow the day or night time.