Eleonora and Yuhang
Today we revovered filter cavity aligment and lock.
What we did:
1. Erase data on the disk which was already full
2. Recover reference on BS chamber by moving last green steering mirror on bench.
3. Moving PR pitch picomotor around 300 steps (with velocity of 500) up.
4. The threshold of FC lock remote lock was wrong (maybe touched accidently by someone), we followed procedure described in elog1886 and recovered it. We found out the threshold was changed from -0.5V to around -1V. We recovered it back to -0.5V, in this case, the remote lock worked again.
5. The green transmission was around 2000 but we didn't check injected green power.
6. The air-conditioner was changed to cold mode (temperature was set to be 22 deg).