R&D (Cryogenic)
SatoshiTanioka - 19:06, Thursday 06 August 2020 (2145)
Trial of measurements at cryogenic temperature

What I did

As the temperature became enough low, I tried to lock the laser to the cryogenic cavity and measure the finesse.
First, I scanned the laser frequency to measure the linewidth.
In addition to the linewidth, I could see the splitting peak probably due to the difference of polarization.
Then I did ringdown measurement several times.

Next step

I will analyze the obtained data.


As there will be a power outage work on next Sunday, I turned off the refrigerator to raise the temperature.
I will cool down to 10 K next time after improving the alignment.

Comments related to this report
SatoshiTanioka - 14:25, Saturday 08 August 2020 (2151)

Though I did ringdown measurement, the sampling rate was not enough to estimate the decay time...
I will modify it next time.

Anyway, I can lock the cavtiy at least 120 K.