Eleonora, Matteo and Yuhang
All facilities and devices were recovered after the Mitaka power outrage.
The Mitaka power outage was done on 14th Nov., while the recovery work was done on 16th Nov.. Although everything was recovered, there were some issues we encountered during the recovery work.
1. The main power switch for the filter cavity arm lights were not found at the beginning. The reason is that this switch is located in the middle of filter cavity arm (I didn't know this at the beginning).
2. The sound issue of DDS. The solution is provided in elog1794.
3. To power on DAC, there is a DC voltage supply. At the beginning, I forgot to provide negative 18V. Then, while I increased the positive voltage, the maximum can reach only around 6.5V.
4. This time, none DDS channels flipped phase by 90deg.
5. The optimal temperature of SHG has been changed from 3.074 to 3.102. On the second day, the value changed back to 3.081.
6. The position of suspended mirror didn't change a lot. We don't need to change largly voltage offset sent to mirrors to recover FC flash.
7. PDH signal of FC lock has large 5kHz resonance even when FC is unlocked. It was figured out that this oscillation comes from SHG. And the problem is solved by reduce the gain of SHG to 2.1.
8. It was found that the input value of DGS doesn't change on medm. We checked medm sitemap/CDS. The situation is shown in the attached figure 1. It was figured out later that this is because I was using sine wave instead of square wave. After correcting to the good waveform, DGS worked again. The good sitemap/DGS is shown in the attached figure 2.
9. It was found that ratory pump in the middle arm has oil leakage.
Oil under the rotary pump was there from the old days. I replaced the rotary pump to new dry pump (ACP15). The TMP with the dry pump is working now at the mid point.