Abe, Marc, Matteo
We restarted the setup after the electrical blackout.
We installed shinkosha 7 on the translation stage and started to check the input polarization.
However, it seems that there are some issues with the Zaber encoder so we need to home every motors of the translation stage.
Abe, Marc
In order to get the correct limits of the translation stage we had to home every motors.
Thanks to the help of Michael and Yuhang we removed the shinkosha 7 and placed it back after this operation.
Then we set correct Z limit (25 mm to 100 mm).
We checked the AC (measuring s pol) and DC (measuring p pol) alignment, maximal and minimal values without mirror.
We installed the mirror and realigned the 2 PSDs.
We started a polarization measurement with s polarization at the input and from X = 398 to 470 mm and Y = 20 to 235 mm that should allow us to see border effects.
(the mirror center is X = 398 mm and Y = 122 mm).