Marc, Michael, Yuhang
Today we installed Debian 10 on the Front End PC of the central building (and during this process removed the 2 previously installed os).
Yamamoto-san kindly gave us instructions for this (and also future) installation.
Documentations can be find from these links or inside KAGRA dropbox (folder Subsystem/FKC/TAMA_DGS/Reference documents) :
Some additional informations :
We used the amd64 installer of Debian 10 together with Rufus software on a pink usb key for the installation
We set up the debian partition to fill the entire 1TB hard-disk with separated /home, /var and /tmp partitioning (recommended for server installation to avoid flooding the /home partition with temporary data during data transfer)
The /temp and /var partitions were left at the default values (1 and 2 GB respectively?)
The /swap partition size was increased to 32 GB. This is a standard recommendation to avoid RAM saturation. But currently we have not seen recommended /temp, /var, /swap sizes in any DGS related documentation.
The network hostname is FEcentral.
The user name is ops and we then setted up the controls user (so that controls user ID is 1001 as recommended by Yamamoto-san)
We gave sudo authorization to ops and controls user.
The root, ops and controls passwords are the same as for the standalone pc
We install the version 1.0.6 of the ligo repository (see [2]) which seems to be the latest one.
When trying to install the cds-workstation package, we were asked to 'configure Kerberos authentification' (see fig 1)
We are not sure about this step so we are asking details to Yamamoto-san.