BIGFOOT (Cavity)
MarcEisenmann - 11:50, Monday 03 April 2023 (3211)
LC temperature fit

[Marc, Shalika]

We modified the temperature controller VI to be able to change quickly the LC temperature.

Indeed, up to now the controller would disable if the requested temperature was too far from the actual one.

Now, we pause the controller for 2s to prevent the controller to disable. It is now far quicker to reach the requested temperature but there could be some issue with data saving during the pause.

Then, we measured the LC retardance as a function of its temperature with 0V applied.

As shown in attached figure, we varied the temperature between about 25degC to 45degC.

To fit over a broad temperature range, we used a*10 + (T-T0)*b + c*np.exp((T/T0)*d) (in blue).

As we mainly care about low temperature where we have the largest retardance, we also tried a 1st order polynom up to 30degC (in red).

We now have -16.2 nm/degC (the minus sign coming from the unwrapping).

Images attached to this report