ShalikaSingh - 18:09, Thursday 07 December 2023 (3369)
Newport 5104 mirror

[Shalika, Marc]

In continuation of elog 3361, the coating was characterized and compensated as mentioned in the table.

First the beam was positioned to be incident at the center and the measurement was done with the rotator mount at 0º. For further investigation, we rotated the mirror by 20º. Several voltage scans were done, starting from 0-25V of both LCs with the resolution of 0.02V. The final scans were performed with the resolution of 1mV around points which provided us with the minimum values in azimuth and ellipticity of polarization. 

The combination of voltages at which the minimum for both azimuth and ellipticity were obtained is mentioned in the table below. 

Rotator Position LC1 (V) LC2(V)
1.389 1.87
20° 1.352 1.495


filename='Thu, Nov 30, 2023 6-30-37 PM.txt' #LC1(0-25,0.1) and LC2(1-3,0.1)
filename='Thu, Nov 30, 2023 7-48-10 PM.txt' #LC1(0-25,0.1) and LC2(1-3,0.05)
filename='Thu, Nov 30, 2023 7-48-10 PM.txt' #LC1(0-25,0.1) and LC2(1-3,0.05)