R&D (FilterCavity)
EleonoraCapocasa - 19:29, Monday 19 December 2016 (350)
Picomotors status

Picomotors of the 4 suspended mirrors (2 of filter cavity and 2 of telescope) need to be put in operation.


The cables that connect the picomotor to the the chamber flange inside the chamber should be already in place for the 4 suspension (to be checked)


Takahashi-san provided driver for the picomotor (fig 1) to be connected to a cable (fig 2) to the extern part of the flange. This device were used to control picomotors of TAMA SAS.


The drivers can be controlled by a joystick and by remote using a labview software that Takahashi-san will provide


Some more information:


1- Picomotors drivers are 3 (IM1 IM2 NM3), NM2 could not be found. We checked in both end rooms without success.


2- We need 4 cable to connect them too the  4 chambers. For the moment we have only 2. (Again we checked in both the end rooms).  According to Takahashi-san the missing two cable can be built using spare connectors like that in figure 2 and spare suitable cables I already found in TAMA. Takahashi-San can also provide the suitable tool to connect pins in the connector.


3- All this material is temporarily stored in a box under my desk in TAMA

Images attached to this report
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