BIGFOOT (General)
HugoSaintOlive - 09:27, Tuesday 16 April 2024 (3528)
Manipulation 2D polarization
After raising the beam with the help of the mirrors at angle, I have characterized the beam obtained with the Beam profiler and a lens f=30mm.
I find z0 = 31cm et w0 = 9.1μm, (z=0 : Corresponds to the characterization lens --> 79,7cm on the meter of the table).
So I found the characteristics of the initial beam : z0 = -9.915m et w0 = 272μm (z=0 still the same).

After that I rebuilt a telescope with two lenses : F= 500mm Bi-Convexe et F=-25,4 Plano-Concave, second one place at 500 mm because the focal seems to be at 525mm...
I put the single pixel Camera at the end, just after the second lens.

Finally, I put the first LCD in front of the large beam just after the mirrors, and I have a control of the monitor, and it seems to work but several remarks :
-There is an important diffraction of the light due to the array of the LCD ---> important power losses
-I remark that we still have color on the LCD, so we don't only have the LC on the screen...
-We need a second computer to put the image on the screen because we have no idea what we put on the screen except when you use two polarizers and a flashlight to see what is on the screen.