ShalikaSingh - 10:15, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3594)
Understanding relation between ell and retardation

We wish to investigate the correct relation between the ellipticity in degrees measured by thorlabs camera and the retardation of any sample, which is delta n.

For this I put polarizer and HWP after BS in the LC path. Then I tune the input polarization to be linear, i.e ell is 0 +/-0.1 aqnd azi is 0+/-0.04 deg respectively. I don't know the reason of the large fluctuation in ell.

Then I put QWP after them infront of the camera. Then I record the azimuth and ellipticity at various angles of the QWP. The QWP was mounted on rotator mount and the data was saved at various positions of the rotator.

filename:C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\QWP\20240605\Thu, Jun 6, 2024 10-12-20 AM.txt

the last column in file saved the angle of the rotator