General (General)
MarcEisenmann - 16:08, Tuesday 03 September 2024 (3706)
Comment to robocopy test (Click here to view original report: 3704)

The initial version did not work so I had to modify the file (the 'robocopy_test.bat' on PCI pc desktop).

It is working properly so I set up the daily back-up of the dropbox to the NAS BIGFOOT folder.

I used the following parameters :

/e : copy folders and sub-folders

/copy:DATSO : copy data, attributes, timestamps, security and ower infos of all files

/r:5 : retry 5 times to run

/w:5 : wait 5s before new trial

/MT:64 : multi-thread copy

/tee : display output in console (maybe can be erased for the automatic back-up)

/log+:Z:\group\tama300\MIR\Shareslog_ShareName_%date:~-10,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~-4,4%.txt : create daily log file

/v : verbose