BIGFOOT (Cavity)
ShalikaSingh - 16:27, Monday 16 September 2024 (3736)
High voltage RF circuit for EOM

The RF circuit deisgn was truned to obtain impedance of around 50ohm. This will match the impedance of circuit with Moku and not break it, at resonant frequency. Usually, the imepdance mis-matching will cause issue if you use wires longer or same order or magnitude as your resonant frequency, as wave properties start coming into play. 

Our resonant freq is 7MHz. The analysis was done is LTspice.

For our case, we have used an Opamp circuit to match impedance. 

Fig 1 is the circuit diagram

Fig 2 is the transfer function 

Plot a: V(output)/V(input) magnitude and phase

Plot b: V(input1)/I(input1) imepdance at the input (magnitude and phase) respectively

plot c: real(V(input1)/I(input1))

plot d: imaginary(V(input1)/I(input1))

Fig 3: Smith Chart

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