BIGFOOT (General)
FredericCleva - 18:53, Wednesday 12 February 2025 (3908)
SLM experiment
SLM experiment
we setup the configuation for hologram display as decribed in the p 26 user manual, figure 21.
figure 1: camera CINOGY at the lens focus
-> The zero order residual seems to contain high power

I got the feedback from Hamamatsu:

" ...I am Norihiro Fukuchi and sales engineer of LCOS-SLM.
There are several factors that cause the 0th order light to be generated, but it mainly depends on the diffraction efficiency characteristics of the LCOS-SLM.
Since it is difficult to eliminate the zero-order light, we can suggest ways to make it become low power density by Fresnel Lens Pattern (FLP).
The experiment results by superimposing FLP and CGH is shown on page 42 in software operation manual.
We can share the technical note of LCOS-SLM which shows characteristics details.

See the attached technical
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