[Kohara-san, Marc]
The mirrors initially planned to be used for this cavity disappeared...
I found some other possible ones in the large dessicators : PSCM99.99Q25.4C08-r300-Y1-1D-2.8D and PSCM98Q25.4C08-r300-Y1-1D-2.8D
It is custom made by Sigma Koki who refuses to tell me their parameters if I can not guess the purchaser...
After some times, I found also some partial information about them. They were purchased around 2013 and characterized in october 2013.
They have HR reflectivity of either 99.99% and 98% (to be checked) and AR reflectivity of 0.1%.
With Kohara-san, we used the motorized microscope MITAKA NH-3SP to measure their radius of curvature.
We measureed HR RoC of about 0.3m and AR RoC flat with a wedge.
HR side is where the arrow on the barrel is pointing towards.
The arrow itself seems to be aligned with the wedge and minimal thickness of the wedge is close to the arrow.
There are also some characterization sheets that I will upload to the wiki.
Detailled measurement are below.
The second line of the japanese characters is the RoC in um.
For each component, except if indicated otherwise, the first measurement is HR side (arrow pointing up) and second one AR side (arrow pointing down)
XY cross measurement 1000um pitch XY 10000um range 99_1 ���S���W: X=5832.79 Y=8090.89 Z=325044.694 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: 300974.56 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 3.47 ���S���W: X=574928.39 Y=486026.38 Z=-2147483.648 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: -2147483.65 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 1.41 99_2 ���S���W: X=9413.71 Y=3922.84 Z=324641.935 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: 300517.78 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 3.73 ���S���W: X=343179.78 Y=-88975.30 Z=-2147483.648 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: -2147483.65 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 2.80 98_1 ���S���W: X=9824.51 Y=5359.10 Z=327495.068 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: 303392.40 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 6.60 ���S���W: X=11790.56 Y=810305.67 Z=-2147483.648 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: -2147483.65 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 1.32 98_2 spherical surface 1000um pitch ���S���W: X=8820.63 Y=11065.34 Z=328849.728 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: 304724.39 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 9.54 pitch 100um ���S���W: X=8810.48 Y=11089.98 Z=329527.916 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: 305403.18 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 29.23 45degree rotation ���S���W: X=11973.85 Y=15667.13 Z=326057.078 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: 301946.05 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 3.99 1000um pitch ���S���W: X=48816.30 Y=278499.69 Z=-2147483.648 ���̔��a�i�ʂ��j: -2147483.65 �^���x�i�ʂ��j: 4.06