Yesterday Marc and I finished all pins for all picomotors (5 for input mirror, 8 for BS chamber, 9 for PR chamber), including extending the cables for BS suspension mirror(all the green and yellow wires in 1st picture), since the BS chamber and the input mirror will use the same picomotor driver, and the cable we have now is not long enough. But we still need to make the cover for these extending cables, we already found some plastic tubes and will finish it today.
In the second picture, there are totally five layers of the picomotor driver, except the first layer(command layer) is for pad, external port, which cannot connect to picomotors, the other four layers each has 3 ports, so now we have 12 ports for BS chamber and input mirror, and actually we still need one more port.
Yesterday, we test all the picomotors connected to this driver, all of them worked well with the command send from the computer, we tried with pad for control the five picomotors for input mirror, they worked well, but there is one thing we cannot understand is that on the pad(3rd picture), on the top of it, there are two axis, x and y, some of the picmotors work with x axis and others work with y, we cannot figure out what these axis means.
The other problem is that on the pad, the maximum layers we can control is 3, so if we have more than three layers, we cannot control with the pad.
For the PR chamber, we are going to use the other driver with 1 command layer with other 3 layers totally 9 ports to control, we will try to set a new IP address for the new driver.
Also we got a set of driver from Kamioka yesterday, one command layer with other 2 layers. So now we have enough command layer(one for BS and IM, one for PR, and one for EM), the port layer(5 for BS and IM, 3 for PR,1 for EM), we still lack of one port layer if all the driver we have now work well.