We aligned the beam at the small window after the input mirror and the 10m target first,move the beam to the center on the small window with PR suspension mirror, and move the beam to the center to the 10m target with BS suspension mirror,repeat these two steps until center the beam both on two place,then we lowered the 10m target and raised the target at 290m. Then move the PR suspension a little bit with picomotor and recover it with BS suspension, to move the beam parallel. Then little by little, we saw the beam on the screen in the central room, then went to 290m to check through the window, the beam is there(pic 1).
Then we went to the end room, the beam has already came out from the EM chamber, we saw it on the wall. After that we took a camera to the end room to look at the beam on the wall, connected to the board there and received the signal in the central room(pic2). Since the beam is shaking a lot because the air flow in the central room, so the picture is not very clear.
Although we sent the beam to the end mirror, but the beam seems larger then the one we sent. We are going to move the 2 inch mirror in the BS chamber tomorrow, try to find a good focus position.