KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 15:48, Wednesday 13 June 2018 (811)
Tests on the LMA coated samples

I did some tests with the 633nm probe on the LMA samples that I already measured some years ago with the original setup. elog entry: http://www2.nao.ac.jp/~gw-elog/osl/?r=141


calibration 633nm: z=34.5mm  power 33mW; AC=0.2017V; phase=-103.8deg; DC=3.38V freq=375Hz filename=Fri, Jun 08, 2018 6-20-48 PM.txt

median filter order 5, average filter order 5

lasr current 1.3A, angle maximum IPC

lma15033 power=960mW z=34.5;  AC=0.000651 phase=-104; DC=4.52V  freq=375Hz filename=Tue, Jun 12, 2018 11-22-12 AM.txt
absorption = 16.4ppm (nominal 12.8ppm)

lasr current 4A, angle maximum IPC

lma15033 power=5090mW z=34.5;  AC=0.00305 phase=-105; DC=4.62V  freq=373Hz filename=Tue, Jun 12, 2018 3-46-17 PM.txt
absorption = 14.2ppm (nominal 12.8ppm)

lma15032 power=5130mW z=34.5;  AC=0.001407 phase=-105; DC=4.7V  freq=378Hz filename=Tue, Jun 12, 2018 4-12-54 PM.txt
absorption = 6.4ppm (nominal 4.5ppm)


median filter order 20, average filter order 20

lma15034 power=5130mW z=34.5;  AC=90uV phase=-110; DC=4.28V  freq=375Hz filename=Tue, Jun 12, 2018 4-49-39 PM.txt
absorption = 0.47ppm (nominal 0.65ppm)

laser current 7.5A

lma15034 power=10W  filename= Tue, Jun 12, 2018 5-18-22 PM.txt
absorption = 0.44ppm (nominal 0.65ppm)


lma15033 power=960mW  filename = Tue, Jun 12, 2018 11-46-14 AM.txt
mean (std) on the map =  15.3 +/- 1 ppm

lma15034 power=10W  filename = Tue, Jun 12, 2018 6-08-48 PM.txt
mean (std) on the map = 0.43 +/- 0.08 ppm

Images attached to this report
811_20180613075709_15033.png 811_20180613080849_15032.png 811_20180613081729_15034.png 811_20180613084813_15033map.png 811_20180613084819_15034map.png