KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 11:53, Tuesday 19 June 2018 (834)
1310nm probe - noise characterization

I checked the noise on the pd of the 1310nm probe laser. with and without sample. then I tried to switch off the chopper, to switch off the pump and to put the PD in the crossing point where the waist of the probe is inside the size of the detector. In all the cases the noise is around 100 uV. This means that the noise comes from the laser. So we are planning to make a power stabilization control loop on the laser.

Details and plots of the noise follow:

note that in the case of LMA sample with power=960mW, the SNR is about 1

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump on 960mW; chopper on
filename: lma15033crossing_point.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump on 34mW; chopper on
filename: lma15033crossing_point-2.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper on
filename:  lma15033crossing_point-3.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper off 
filename: lma15033crossing_point_internal1kHz.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper off
filename: lma15033crossing_point_internal380Hz.txt

no sample
laser current 300mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper off
filename: 1310nmno_sample_no_chopper_internal380Hz

then I move the pd to the crossing point
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter + OD3 filter 
pump off; chopper off internal380Hz
Images attached to this report
834_20180619044604_lma15033crossingpoint.png 834_20180619044609_lma15033crossingpoint2.png 834_20180619044614_lma15033crossingpoint3.png 834_20180619044624_lma15033crossingpointinternal1khz.png 834_20180619044634_lma15033crossingpointinternal380hz.png 834_20180619044645_1310nmnosamplenochopperinternal380hz.png 834_20180619044653_pdatcrossingpointinternal380hz.png