KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
ManuelMarchio - 21:39, Sunday 19 August 2018 (950)
Pump restored, aligned at 2deg and size reduced
There is no space on the breadboard to add the lenses to reduce the pump and to add the optics to control the polarization of the 1310nm probe.
Therefore I decided to put a larger breadboard and realign everything.
1. Removed the old breadboard and replaced it with a larger one. Since the new breadboard is thinner, to reach the same hight I had to add 4 1cm-thick spacers between the posts and the breadboard.
2. Placed back the periscope and aligned it to have the pump beam arriving at 2 degrees on the pinhole.
To do that I maximized the power transmitted by the pinhole in two positions at 2deg from the center (start and end). When the pinhole is at the start position I aligned moving the steering mirror on the optical table. When the pinhole was at the end position I  aligned moving the mirror on the periscope (usual procedure to align a beam to make it pass through two points).  
pinhole positions:
           x 327.432mm
- center: y 121.255mm     z 34.9mm
- start   : y 120.555mm     z 14.9mm
- end    : y 124.055mm     z 114.9mm
3. Added the lenses (f=100mm at 185mm from the pinhole, and f=-100mm at 125mm from the f=100mm lens) to converge the pump in the pinhole in the center position
4. Measured the Pump beam profile.
5. Tried to collect the reflected beam but noticed that it hits the mount of the 100mm lens. I can't risk to heat up the mount of the lens, but I don't have enough space to put some deflecting mirror between the lens and the edge of the breadboard. So I have to redesign the telescope to be able to move the last lens backwards and make some room for a deflecting mirror for the pump.
Images attached to this report
950_20180819143526_1.jpg 950_20180819143530_2.jpg 950_20180819143533_3.jpg 950_20180819143536_4.jpg 950_20180819143611_newpumpsize.png 950_20180819143945_newpump100100.png