R&D (FilterCavity)
MarcEisenmann - 22:38, Monday 27 August 2018 (958)
Comment to Green beam reflected by the FC (Click here to view original report: 935)

There were few mistakes made on this entry corrected in this one.

Attached to this entry is the proper fit of beam after the lens (previously a wrong wavelength was used for the plot).

The mean profile was used (w0 = 113.37 um 0.6981 m after the f = 100mm lens used for the characterization [lens is 40 cm after the Faraday Isolator])


The beam parameter is the following : w0 = 18.921 um @ 0.1168 m before the lens ie roughly 0.28320m after the faraday isolator.

Images attached to this comment
958_20180827152802_greenreflbeambyfc.png 958_20180827152807_meangreenrefl.png