R&D (FilterCavity)
YuhangZhao - 22:29, Friday 07 September 2018 (975)
Putting cube BS and checking modulation

Today cube BS arrived, I put it in a desirable position. I found some points to say


1. It is easy to align cc beam and make it resonate in OPO and produce green.


2. After p-pol, I can see very very small peak(around several mV)(sorry I didn't take picture) on the oscilloscope. This may mean we will have problem for locking OPO? Probably this is because of the low power of p-pol.

3. The p-pol reflection from OPO goes to the Qubig PD I soildered. However, I cannot find that PD is sensing light. The signal of PD is attached as Fig.1. It seems there is a floor from 0Hz to around 100MHz. I checked light is going into PD properly. I checked even when there is no light going into PD, there is that signal. I also check the soilder I did(in attached figure 2), it looks really the same with another Qubig soilder. 

Not good not bad:

4. I found the beam is not going through the hole centrally. This may come from the crystal is not well centered. I also check the SHG's incident beam is not going through SHG's hole centrally. So maybe this is fine.

Images attached to this report
975_20180907152900_wechatimg42.jpg 975_20180907152909_wechatimg41.jpg