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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 22:49, Saturday 20 October 2018 (1031)Get code to link to this report
Telescope design for injecting output of green mode cleaner to OPO

According to the measurement result of entry about green mode cleaner output beam characterization and OPO green output beam characterization, we can design the telescope to match them. From the above entries, we know the source waist is 287um while the target waist is 24um. Based on the revised version of optical layout which I just modified today(the position of green mode cleaner and distance between bench and chamber are modified)(https://gwpo.nao.ac.jp/wiki/FilterCavity/OpticalLayout). I also attached the part of bench we care, see attached figure 1. In this picture we know the distance between waists should be 82.5cm. Besides, we should avoid putting lens around 10cm, 27.5cm, 55cm and 75cm. And putting lens between 5cm and 72cm. 

By using all the information listed above, I used JaMmt did the simulation. See attached figure 2, which shows the initial condition I gave. Besides, I upload the green lens we have in our clean booth on our wiki page(https://gwpo.nao.ac.jp/wiki/FilterCavity/Optics). See attached figure 3, it shows the lenses I used. Actually I didn't put lens with very small focal lens, although we have lots of small focal length lenses. The fitting shoes many good results. I attached three here. Some of them even tell me the mode matching is 100%.


Since we found the mirror to reflect green after dichroic (outside OPO's incoupling mirror) should be farther than last version of optical layout. I changed it and did the simulation again. The result is attached in 7th and 8th figure.

Images attached to this report
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