NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2

Participiant: Enomoto and Yuhang
We want to know how much green we can produce according to the current and also the laser power. We did the measurement. Since we care about the power we send to SHG, we need to detectec the power just in front of SHG. However, the power meter is small enough to put in correct place but it can only detect up to 500mW. And the power meter(S145C) can detect up to 3W is too large in volume. So we measure power in point one with S145C and point two with the same current. Then the relationship is shown in the attached figure.
The conclusion is laser power is proportional to laser current. And the power ratio between point one and two is 0.75.
The relationship between laser current and power infront of SHG is P = 980*I-775