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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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YuhangZhao - 23:44, Wednesday 07 November 2018 (1076)Get code to link to this report
Some power reference for achieving 50mW of green to OPO

According to Matteo, we need 50mW of green to be injected into OPO. For example, Marco Vardaro used 57mW for this gain measurement and Chua used 84mW. If we want 50mW, we need to know how much Laser current we should give. This can be done according to many characterization work we did before. And we also cared about the after during the whole path, which may concern about the damage threshold.

1. From OPO back to GRMC. We assume we loss 10% while propagation since we have one dichroic(transmit more than 90%) and three green mirror(NB07-K12 has R = 99.5% for S-Polarization). So the transmission of GRMC should be 55.6mW.

2. GRMC(according to entry, we know T = 65% for s-pol and T = 79% for p-pol). If we use s-pol we need 86mW(71mW for p-pol) before GRMC. Let's assume we use s-pol for the derivation after.

3. MZ(according to entry, we should lock MZ around 70% transmission level). Then before MZ, we should have 123mW.

4. MZ to EOM(just before BS). Since we will have a 90:10 BS during this path and we take 90% for squeezing, we should have 137mW in front of EOM.

5. Green production. By using the relationship we got from tomura-san measurement, we should have 830mW of infrared just in front of SHG.

6. Infrared power and laser current. By considering the relationship we got from entry, and the BS(70:30) we just put for getting bright alignment beam. So we need 1.85A of current. This corresponds to 1.37W of laser power infront of the BS we just replaced. We are considering this power may damage this BS.

Comments related to this report
YuhangZhao - 14:48, Friday 09 November 2018 (1084)

power ratio of newly replaced BS, R:T = 39.98:10.7 = 78.89:21.11. (s-pol)