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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 19:34, Monday 03 December 2018 (1133)Get code to link to this report
Some information to design the IR telescope to the filter cavity

I summarize here some information that can be useful in order to design the telescope to match the squeezing beam to the filter cavity.

1) The distances from the last hole of the bench to the 2 inch telescope mirror (and the optics on this path) are reported in pic1. They have been measured by Yuefan in entry #441.

2) The target beam for the telescope is reported in the second attachment. The beam waist should be about 1 mm and it should be located close to the 2 inch telescope mirror (named M1 in the attached table and scheme). See also entry #442 for the former telescope design.

Images attached to this report
1133_20181203113944_chamber.png 1133_20181203114014_beampropagation.png