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NaokiAritomi - 19:51, Monday 25 February 2019 (1235)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of AMC

[Aritomi, Eleonora, Matteo]

First we checked alignment of LO inside AMC. The alignment was very very bad and we couldn't find any resonance. So we decided to remove a front mirror of AMC and aligned from the scratch. While we were doing alignment, we found that a mirror just in front of AMC was loose. That's why we sometimes lost alignment of AMC suddenly. After we fixed it and aligned AMC, we recovered the alignment of LO inside AMC.

For LO, peak is 8.16V and mismatching is 5.6mV+4.8mV+3.2mV. The mode matching is 99.8%.

For BAB, we moved a lens in s pol OPO trans path to improve mode matching. The lens position was 89.5 mm before and now it's 99 mm. Peak is 232mV and mismatch is 9.2mV. The mode matching is 96.2%.

We'll check if the alignment keeps fine or not tomorrow.