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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcoBazzan - 11:04, Thursday 28 February 2019 (1240)Get code to link to this report
Sample S4 characterization

[Marco Bazzan, Manuel Marchiò, Matteo Leonardi]

This is an update of the measurement campaign on Shinkosha sample S#4 where several time consuming maps were recorded.

Calibration as in  entry 1221

We started a XZ map but it looked a little blurred (Figure 1), so we decided to launch a new one with a smaller step along X (Figure2). In that case the detail is better. We then tried a XY map with a small step, resulting in a series of striations with a period of about 50 microns (Figure3).

A final XY map was taken on a larger area (Figure 4).

Images attached to this report
1240_20190228030006_201902205.png 1240_20190228030028_201902211.png 1240_20190228030055_20190221.png 1240_20190228030215_20190227.png
Comments related to this report
MarcoBazzan - 11:07, Thursday 28 February 2019 (1241)

The incident power on the sample was always P = 10 W.