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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 14:52, Wednesday 22 July 2015 (141)Get code to link to this report
LMA surface sample maps

I made maps of the LMA surface sample with

High resolution 70 micron of spacing (as the dimension of the pump beam).

Calibration factor used R=13 1/W.

Scan areas are 4mm x 3mm.



LMA sample 15034

nominal absorption = 0.65ppm

pump power = 6.3W

map mean = 5ppm (including very high spiky noise or dust or scratch)

most of area value = 0.85ppm  


LMA sample 15032

nominal absorption = 4.5ppm

pump power = 3.36W

map mean = 17ppm (including very high spiky noise or dust or scratch)

most of area value = 5.4ppm


LMA sample 15033

nominal absorption = 12.8ppm

pump power = 1.18W

map mean = 20ppm (including very high spiky noise or dust or scratch)

most of area value = 14ppm

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Comments related to this report
ManuelMarchio - 10:52, Thursday 06 August 2015 (154)

I made again a map of the same area of the LMA sample 15034. In the same conditions. I didn't unmount the sample from the holder, but I noticed that after one week it was dusty. So I cleaned it again with the first contact polymer. I show the picture of before and after cleaning. I show the comparison of the same measurement in the same conditions but after a week and a cleaning.