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TomotadaAkutsu - 16:32, Thursday 20 August 2015 (160)Get code to link to this report
OSEM wash

Just for a small experiment: wash the loctite vac seal with acetone in a ultrasonic bath.

The attached pictures clearly show that the vac seal is broken to be rough.


Well, the kaptoned flexi circuit survives, and the micro D-sub connector also survives.

The soldering before this washing survives. The flux appears washed out by acetone; maybe the same effect can be expected with ethanol.

Images attached to this report
160_20150820092852_img0048.jpg 160_20150820092901_img0040.jpg
Comments related to this report
TomotadaAkutsu - 23:26, Wednesday 30 September 2015 (186)

 A short notice: I confirmed the LOCTITE vac seal can survive with ethanol in the ultrasonic bath.