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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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SimonZeidler - 10:26, Thursday 05 September 2019 (1601)Get code to link to this report
Precise maps of certain areas in spare ETMY

Simon, Matteo

We decided to focus on some more preciser maps on spare ETMY, especially in YZ, since in the full map XZ we could see some layer-like stuctures but not in the full YZ map, which should be the case. This is probably due to a lower contrast as in YZ we have a much larger range in the absorption coefficent.
The results of the measurements can be shown in the attached figures. We can indeed see now those layer-structures in both XZ and YZ planes, as we expected.
About the reason of these layers, we can only speculate but it seems that they have their origin in some systematic oscillations of impurity concentrations during the crystallization process.

In addition to that, I finished writing the 3D representation part of the absorption maps in Python by using Myavi. I attached also a picture of the results from the last full-map measurements.

Images attached to this report
1601_20190905032541_map20190902xzregion1.png 1601_20190905032546_map20190902yzregion1.png 1601_20190905032602_3dscene2019082820190902.png