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YuhangZhao - 00:33, Tuesday 08 October 2019 (1709)Get code to link to this report
Check of IR and GR overlap on First target/Second target/IR camera

Aritomi, YaoChin and Yuhang

To have a feeling of IR and GR overlap. We checked three points.

1. First target(shown in the attached figure 1 and 2). In the first figure, IR is actually in the center. When I was checking it, I could see the difference if Aritomi-san blocks or unblock the IR beam. In the second figure, there is GR. But it is difficult to tell the overlap level.

2. Second target(shown in the attached figure 3 and 4): It seems IR is higher and a bit left.

3. End camera(shown in the attached figure 5 and 6): It seems IR is also higher and a bit left. 

Images attached to this report
1709_20191007173035_ir1.jpeg 1709_20191007173111_gr1.jpeg 1709_20191007173137_ir2.jpeg 1709_20191007173147_gr2.jpeg 1709_20191007173314_ircam.jpeg 1709_20191007173321_ircamgr.jpeg