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YuhangZhao - 13:21, Thursday 10 October 2019 (1728)Get code to link to this report
PDH signal comparison from FC reflection(qubig PD and NIKHEF PD)

To compare the signal from qubig PD and NIKHEF PD, I did this check. (There was already a check reported in the entry 1670)

The situation of green power is

green power on qubig PD 210uW
green power on NIKHEF PD 1.2mW

The electronics after PD is

1. qubig PD then goes to RFamplifier(14dB) then goes to demodulator (used for FC locking, from the mini-circuit company) then detect on the oscilloscope ----------
2. NIKHEF PD (I put all light on the first quarter of this PD on purpose) then I take the RF signal from the first quarter then goes to RF amplifier(14dB) then goes to demodulator (used for FC locking, from the mini-circuit company) then detect on the oscilloscope

The result of PDH signal is

qubig PD pk-pk 164mV attached Fig.1
NIKHEF PD pk-pk 14.8mV attached Fig.2

Note: If I put these signal to NIKHEF demodulator is qubig PD pk-pk 35mV(reduce by a factor of ~5), NIKHEF PD pk-pk 10mV(reduce by a factor ~1.5).

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